Together we’ll help you grow your business through the power of client reviews.

Real estate agents can sign up for RateMyAgent, and have their reviews automatically shared to their profile.


A relationship built
to grow your business.

RateMyAgent and have come together to make your client reviews visible across both platforms. Now RateMyAgent collected reviews can now be shared to with a paid subscription.

By signing up to RateMyAgent
today you’ll experience:

Your client reviews shared onto your profile

Client reviews shared instantly to with a paid subscription.

Client reviews in one place to share; no need to learn multiple systems.

Clients can instantly verify you are the go-to trusted Agent, with the RateMyAgent verified review badge.


Less effort, more reward with one simple set up

Set your account to automate and we’ll do the hard work for you to reach new clients.

Everything you need for client reviews all in one place, no need to learn multiple systems.

Spend less time learning complex technology and systems, simply set up and watch new clients roll in.

Reviews made easy for you and your client

Your clients can leave you a review with no annoying sign–up required.

Our Easy Review service puts your business on automatic, set up once and your client reviews will happen like magic!

Keep control of your reviews, choose which client receives a review and which reviews you share on RateMyAgent.


Sign up to RateMyAgent today and get your reviews shared to
